CG स्टाफ नर्स सिलेबस 2023 – CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Syllabus 2023

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छत्तीसगढ़ स्टाफ नर्स सिलेबस परीक्षा पैटर्न | CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Syllabus 2022 PDF Download

चंदूलाल चंद्राकर स्मृति चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय दुर्ग में 176 स्टाफ नर्स भर्ती

छत्तीसगढ़ व्यापम स्टाफ नर्स सिलेबस व एग्जाम पैटर्न इन हिंदी डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़

CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Syllabus PDF

CG Staff Nurse Syllabus 2023 CGPEB ने  CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 2023 जारी कर दिया गया है | जो उम्मीदवार CG Staff Nurse Exam 2023 की परीक्षा देने वाले है उनके लिए यह जानना अति आवश्यक है की परीक्षा में कौन – कौन से विषय शामिल है | एवं कौन से विषय से कितने नंबर के प्रश्न पूछे जायेगे | CG Staff Nurse  की परीक्षा के लिए विभिन्न पदों पर भर्तिया निकाली जाती है | आज हम आपको बताने वाले है की CG Vyapam Staff Nurse  Syllabus 2023 से जुडी सभी जानकारी जैसे कौन से विषय से किस टॉपिक के बारे में पूछा जायेगा , Chhattisgarh Staff Nurse Syllabus 2023 से जुडी सभी जानकारी यहा ALLGK.IN पर उपलब्ध है | 

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CG स्टाफ नर्स सिलेबस 2023 पीडीएफ डाउनलोड –  CG स्टाफ नर्स  परीक्षा पैटर्न : क्या आप Chhattisgarh  Staff Nurse Syllabus 2023 खोज रहे है? इस पोस्ट में आप CG Staff Nurse Exam Pattern, छत्तीसगढ़ स्टाफ नर्स पाठ्यक्रम,  चयन प्रक्रिया और CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Exam Pattern परीक्षा पैटर्न की पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। जो उम्मीदवार CG Staff Nurse 2023 को पास करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें निश्चित रूप से CG Vyapam Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 2023 के निम्नलिखित विवरणों का अच्छे से पढ़ना होगा |

Staff Nurse SYLLABUS PDF Download Click Here


Total Marks – 150, Total Questions – 150

ANATOMY: Cell Structure, Classification of bones, Type of Tissues Types of muscles, joints Structure of heart, Blood vessels, Structure of Respirator, degalls. Senseorans, Structure of Eye, Digestive organs. Spleen, Lymph nodes Organs of urinary system, Male & Female reprotective organs Autonomic nervous system,

PHYSIOLOGY: Functions of joints. Actions of Chier muscles Function of neuron. Blood Composition, Function of heart Blood pressure – Blood circulation, Pulse. Respiration – Mechanisms of Respiration. Metabolism, Functions of skin: Function of kidney, Regulation of body temperature Fluid and electrolyte Balance, Functions of Pituitary Thyroid, Partlyroll, Pameras reals, Functions of Eye, Far, Nose, Tongue, Menstrual cycle. Menopause Functions of Reproductive organs, Tested its Functions.

MICROBIOLOGY. Classification of Microorganism. Pathogenic sad nonpathogenic organismsTransmission of infection. Modes of mission of infection. Immunity, Immunization schedule, Sterilization, l’isinfection Chemotherapy, Antibiotics, Aepis, Croes infection. Infection control Pasteurisation, Microscope. Examination of slide. Methods of sample collection. Factors influencing microbial growth


(i) Introduction of Nursing, Definition of Nurse, Meaning of Nursing, Ethics of Nursing Health Care Agencies, Hospital & Community.

(ii) Nursing Care of the Patient Client Admission of Patent, Bed and Bed Making  Maintenance of Therapeutic environment psychosocial Environment, Nursing process and Nursing Care Plan. Recording & Reporting, Discharge of Patient

(iii) Basic Nursing Care & needs of the patient Hygienic needs of physical mods, Nutritional Necil, Safety News, Aclinty & exercise

(iv) Axixament of patient client – physical Assessment.

(v) Therapeutic Nursing Care & Procedure. Asepsis – Hand Washing, Disinfection, Autoclaving care of temization of Articles, Liven, Care of Respiratory System, Gustru Intestinal Tract, Urinary System, Skin & mucous Membranc. 

(iv) Basic needs are care of special condition, inconscious. Handicapped, Lying Patient

(vii) Introduction of Pharmacology concept, classification Administration of Drugs General Action of Drags, Nursing implication in Administration of Drugs

(viii) First All, Emergency Care, Bams, Pire, Accidents, Hemorrhage, Community Emergency Flood, -Earthquakes – Famine – Disaster, Personal Hygiene.

MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING: Causes of diseases, Inflammation, Shock, Anesthesin. Control of infection, Pro-operative postoperative care. Tuberculosis, Preventive and rehabilitative aspects of respiratory system, Angina pectoris, Checine arrests. Varicose veins anil aneurysms.   Colitis, Fistula, Appendicitis, Hepatitis, Carciuma, Spain, Fractures, Arthritis, Osteomycites, OT Technique, Acute & Chronie nephritis. Cystitis, Uraemia, Pyelitis, Prostatic hypertrophy. Migraine, Meningitis, encephalitis. Spinal cord compressions, Neuritis and neuralgia. Heat stroke.


Ilvdruphobia, hyper and hypo secretions of thyroid. Diabetes mellitus. Fezema. Radiation burns. Plastic surgery. General set up of operation theatre, Theatre technique. Preparation of theatre equipment and instruments in common. Principles of intensive care nursing, Role of a nurse in 1.C…, Vario modalities of cancer therapy. Fertility and infertility. Sterilisation, Abortion, Ectopic pregnancy. Venereal disease, Mastitis, Blindness (Causes and prevention), Conjunctivitis, Cataract Glaucoma, Otitis media. Mastoiditis, Rhinitis, tonsillitis. Sinusitis, COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: Diseases caused by virus – Measles Poliomyelitis, Diseases caused by bacteria Diphtheria, Tetnus, Gastroenteritis leprosy, Dysentery, Diseases caused by Mosquito Manria. Dengue, Gonorrhea, Aids.

MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING: Morbidity and Mortality rates. Female Pelvis Reproductive organs. Foetal development. Apgar seoring, Measurement, Normal Pregnancy, care during pregnancy, diseases associated with pregnancy. Stages of labour. Normal delivery. Diagnosis of pregnancy. Puerperium, Postnatal care, care of wwwbom ABNORMALITIES: During pregnancy, During labour. Operative procedures, M.T.R. Laparoscopy, F.W. devices, rule of millville. Minor disorders of new born, The Healthy Child, The seak Child, Children with various iseases & disorder. Welfare of Children

Midwifery – Pest maturity, intrauterine fetal death, Record keeping Statistics, Growth and development of child. Nutritional weds, Malnutrition (PCM), Dehydration, Diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, Care of cord, skin. Eye, Mouth. Clothing ete., 2 Congenital abnormalities, Mental Breastfeeding, Weaning, Care of slek child G.I.T. Respiratory, Genitourinary system, Cardiovascular, Skin, Basic needs of child Care of handicapped child. Psychological disorders of chillhool Communicaine liscasts, Role of analgesies & anesthetics during labour, Common birth injuries

Gynecological Nursing – Puberty, Fertility & Infertiinty, Uterine Displacement Breast Disuriler, STD, Cancer Cervix & uterus,

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING: The finition and concept of health wad disease Concept, Primary lealth care, Differences between institutional and community Health anrsing. Qualitics liud function of community Health nurse Family Health services, School Health Serviene lealth problems of India, Referral System, Function of ball personnel in clinics, Health Beneation at home Health Services organization at different levels, National, State, Local in urkinami. areas. Special community health Services and murse mle. Industrial nursing. Geriatric nursing, Importance of Sex clueation and sex lygicnc, Problems of sex cflecting health, STI), Community health nurses an administrator and teacher, survey, demography, family welfare, different methods of family planning, Role of the nursing national family planning programming, lealth nssessment, national programmes related to health. Enviourmental Hygie-Water, Air, Housing, Noise. 

Health Education & Communication Skill 

NUTRITION: Constituents of food Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Vitamins, minerals, water, Sources, calories and constituents. metabolism. Food resturapy, Hospital dicts Seats. Preservation and storage of food, normal diet, menu planning diets is for patients.


MENTAL HEALTH NURSING: Mental health, Mental illness. Psychiatric team. Characteristics of mentally healthy person, Causes of mental illness. Legal aspects, Misconcepts about mental illness. Classification of mental illness, Sign & symptoms of common mental illness. Electro-convulsive therapy, Drug therapy, Psychotherapy, Socio therapy, Rehabilitation, Role of nurse in management of Violent, Aggressive, Excited patient. Depressed patient . Manic patient. Hysterical patient). Admission and discharge of psychiatric patient, Dexclopment of community acceptanec. Prevention of mental illness.


PSYCHOLOGY: Dynamics of human behaviour, Motivation, Adjustment, Emotions in health and disease (Comfort, Frustration, Defence mechanisms), Personality, Intelligence (Mental ability,

Measurements of intelligence). Learning, Thinking & Reasoning, Group behaviour, Interpersonal relations,

SOCIOLOGY: The Family Life Education, The society, Rural and urban society. Social problems.

Social group, Culture, Social security, Health economies, Population explosion, Budgeting for family.

Section D):

PROFESSIONAL TRENDS : Nursing as a professional, Code of Nursing Ethics, Interview, Agreement and hands, scope of guidance and counselling, Means of continuing education purpose and in Nursing. Nursing Council, State Registration Nursing Council (Functions) Professional Health Organisation, Health Agencies: Voluntary – National International.

NURSING RESEARCH: Definition / Meaning of research, Need and importance of Nursing research Research approaches, Use of research in Nursing practice. COMPUTER EDUCATION: Definition, parts of Computer, Dise operating system, word processing, Window application, power point, Internet , excel, Word, Computer aidel teaching, Use of Computer in Nursing.

Section E:

NURSING EDUCATION: Means and Philosophy of Nursing education, Nursing education pattern in Indian, Steps of Curriculum Plan, Lesson Plan, Principles of teaching Methods of teaching Lecture, demonstration, laboratory, seminars, discussion, Conference, Workshop, Clinical teaching methods, Communication skills principles of evaluation, evaluation tools use and importance of Educational Media, Evaluation Programme.

organization and functions of hospital and Community staffing, Job Description of visi.

NURSING ADMINISTRATION: Components and Principles of Administration in Nursing Service, Supervision and Evaluation, counseling, staff and students Wari Management, Records and Reports Control and line of authority. 

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